Eco Office Werks will gather paper consumption data each quarter, calculate the number of trees consumed (based on the industry average of 8,333 sheets of paper per tree), and offset the paper footprint by certifying to plant trees with the Eden Projects through PrintReleaf...
That sounds like an easy question, but many organizations simply have no idea of the volume of paper used for printing. If you do know, do you know where it goes? Eco Office Werks PaperCut implementation can arm you with information not just about overall printing volumes, but volume by printer, group/department, user and many other factors. So next time the question is asked, "where does all the money we spend on printing go?", the answer is a few clicks away.

There are many ways to implement PaperCut, so the amount saved will depend on which features and strategy you choose to implement. The following table gives an indication of the typical amount of paper saved by implementing each strategy.

Workplace Sustainability

Did you know that . . .

Over the last decade Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has grown from a ‘good idea’ into a requirement, especially in large enterprise.  Internally, many organizations are responding to public pressure, employee and investor demand, and data which represents an overall decline in the health of the global environment.  Externally, companies are competing for CSR leadership positions in their respective industries.  In response to these demands, emphasis on a well-managed CSR strategy has emerged and incorporates many variables with primary focus on people, the environment and all that impacts the overall health of both.  Printing is part of this equation and therefore often part of our customer’s CSR strategy, specifically:  Our customers are interested in printing less.  This means greater cost savings while, in a CSR context, a lower impact on the environment​...  

Let Eco Office Werks be your partner to manage this process with our expertise on change management and on-going reporting...

With industry leading tools like PaperCut and PrintReleaf, we manage the program, drive the results and provide quarterly reporting for your CSR initiative.  On top of that, our customers realize cost reduction validation ranging from 20% to 40%!